We have discussed previously the idea of spiritual fractals being set forth throughout scripture. The most important of these fractals is the first or primary fractal which is the image of ELOHIYM. We might want to know, given that man is created in the image and likeness of ELOHIYM.
Bere’shiyth (Genesis) 1:26-27
And ELOHIYM said, Let us make man in our image (בצלמנו - b’tselem’nu), after our likeness (כדמותנו - b’demooth’nu): and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth. 27 So ELOHIYM created את (eth)-man in his own image, in the image of ELOHIYM he created him; male and female he created them.
As we look at this concept, the image of the fractal involved emerges:
Ezra 14:44-48
In forty days they wrote two hundred and four cepheriym. 45 And it came to pass, when the forty days were filled, that EL ELYON spoke, saying, The first that you have written publish openly, that the worthy and unworthy may read it: 46 But keep the seventy last, that you may deliver them only to such as be wise among the people: 47 For in them is the spring of understanding, the fountain of wisdom, and the stream of knowledge. 48 And I did so.
So it is that we understand the image of ELOHIYM to be understanding (binah), wisdom (chokmah), and knowledge (da’ath). Even more, if we understand da’ath as Mashiach (א), binah as Abba (ש), and chokmah as Immanu’el (מ).
We saw earlier that wedlock is a micro-fractal of YAHUAH ELOHIYM, being yod (the hand of YAH), heh (the breath of the Ruach), vav (the nail and the sign of MASHIACH in the center), and he (the breath of the Ruach), where handiwork of YAH joins the man (ish) whose soul is in-dwelled with the Ruach by means of his overt expression of belief and faithfulness, to the woman (ishah) whose soul is in-dwelled with the Ruach by means of her overt expression of belief and faithfulness, and united by the nail (MASHIACH) in the center.
The image of ELOHIYM in man is found in wedlock, and the germ and the seed of life contained therein which results in the conception and sustenance of the yachiyd.
It is the image of ELOHIYM that is under constant attack by HaSatan and his minions. There are several vulnerabilities which are under direct attack. First, of course, is to attack the spiritual condition of yachad – the unity of man with the Ruach (removing the ha from Avraham, the ha from Sarah).
Next, is the separation from the vav - by any means. Lying about MASHIACH, distorting the truth, proposing camouflage, ridiculing those who believe, etc. – all of the denials we have heard that have been presented over the centuries. Where wedlock has already occurred – which is defined as a condition of yachad, between man and woman with MASHIACH in the middle as glue which binds the wedlock in the heavens – it is then necessary to separate the bond of man and the woman from MASHIACH. This is done by exploitation, and exploitation for profit.
The modern licensed marriage – which is categorically not wedlock by definition, because the state excludes MASHIACH, is then the target of every kind of exploit: women’s liberation, womanizing, feminism, prostitution, homosexualism, adultery, whoredom, fornication, pedophilia, pornography, etc. Now we see the promotion of LGBTQ as a viable alternative to wedlock, and the secular humanists that occupy the gates of our social order have seen fit to declare such alternatives as equal to the relationship that is a sub-fractal of ELOHIYM we call wedlock.
Finally, there is the attack against the bond between the patriarch and the yachiyd. This is a relationship that is under direct attack by the fires of hell itself and the direct workings of HaSatan. It is critically necessary to the secular state that those who have not been enslaved by the state be separated by the state from their progeny. This is the first order of business in the divorce courts of America. Such destruction destroys the eben rosh pina – the chief cornerstone- of a civil order.
To best understand America, consider and review for your own benefit who it is that occupies all of the gates of America – the human resources departments, the educational institutions, the governments, the courts, the press, the media, and now, even the churches.
Entering into wedlock in the sub-fractal form of ELOHIYM and defending during your lifetime the relationship between you and your MASHIACH, you and your spouse, and you and your children is the call of the believer – to work affirmatively and not to abuse, to build and not to tear down, to edify and not to condemn.