About Cepher Publishing Group
Welcome to the home of Cepher Publishing Group! Our group initially came together in 2012 during a trip to Israel. We gathered at House 57 in East Jerusalem (shown below) during the Feast of Cukkoth (Tabernacles) in anticipation of wonderful things to happen, and sure enough, wonderful things did happen, and Cepher Publishing Group was born!

We are a small boutique publisher engaged in bringing forth ancient manuscripts from around the turn of the millennium (that is, from B.C. to A.D.). Our flagship publication, the את Cepher, is the restoration of sacred scriptures prominently featured on our home page. Our company is based on prayer and the answers to prayer. Our work has been a labor of love, including many years of research and study prior to forming the company, and all of the scriptural restorations are steeped in prayer and careful consideration. After several years of diligent work, our Spanish Translation Team completed the Español Cefer, and we started shipping the first copies in May 2020.
Following the introduction of the את Cepher scriptures, we undertook to publish a complimentary line of books we call the Cepheriym, affectionately known as Dr. P's Library Collection. This collection may be purchased with or without the את Cepher.

The library continues to improve, with our most recent additions being Ha’avoth (the Fathers) and Shamayim (the Heavens). The writings of first century historian Yocephus (Flavius Josephus) are included in our library, and we anticipate expanding this selection of books for the student, the teacher, the parent, and the preacher!
In addition to our book publications, we developed the את Cepher Mobile App which may be purchased through your app store. We also began to write more extensively about our research in the Blog section of our website, where you can find over 350 discussions of what we are doing (and what we have done) in the את Cepher. We also have a presence on YouTube where you can view hundreds of video presentations. Dr. P's Videos can also be found on our website, many of which have downloadable slide presentations and/or transcripts. Our newest venture is the launch of Cepher Radio where you can listen to live or archived audio teachings.
Once the Word as presented in the את Cepher began to spread, we were approached by people in various countries around the world who wanted access to our book. As excited as we were about reaching an international market, we quickly discovered that many countries have high tariffs and shipping costs that often amount to more than the cost of the book! As a result, we launched a distribution network which may be accessed on our website under the Distributors tab. If you are outside the US, we encourage you to look there first.
Our company would not be much without the help of our friends who refer their friends to our website. We began to build this community back in 2014, and now our Affiliate referrals make up 40% of our business. We are very thankful to this community for their ongoing friendship and support. To join us and earn commissions on referrals to our website, please email referrals@cepher.net.
It has always been part of our work to do onsite research to assist with our understanding of scripture. For instance, the initial discovery of the presence of the את (Aleph-Tav) in the Brit Chadasha (New Testament) was our finding the placement of the same on a text that was presented on large mosaics at the Church of St. John the Baptist in Ein Kerem, Israel. We entered the inner court to find the passage of Luke 3 set forth in some fifty languages.

When reading the Hebrew mosaic, we discovered the את (Aleph-Tav) was found also in the New Testament!

In our continuing research, we draw from our connections all over the world to build our understanding of the history of the faith. For instance, below is a picture taken in Llandiff Major, Wales, the site of a 1st Century Cor (Church) that was founded by none other than Yoceph of Arimathea. Shanes Stokes and Dr. Pidgeon took a moment to reflect on the place.

While incorporated in Washington, our warehouse is located deep in the wilds of Montana. This area was tried by the devastating Caribou Wildfire over Labor Day weekend in 2017. Lightning sparked that fire in the forests of Montana which eventually encompassed over 27,000 acres, reaching into Canada. The fire grew over several weeks, eventually drawing to within 1.5 miles of our warehouse. Although many neighbors suffered great losses, by a miraculous hand, the winds turned north and spared our facility.

Thank you for reading our story and please spend some time reviewing the rest of our website. In addition to answers to our most Frequently Asked Questions, there are many resources available on our Free Downloads page.
If you’re new to our website, and you are just curious as to what can be found in our flagship text, the את Cepher, check out our presentation called What is the את Cepher?
Thanks for joining us! We look forward to hearing from you and having you as a part of our growing community.
Dr. Stephen Pidgeon, CEO
Cepher Publishing Group, LLC