It is with interest that the Cepher Baruk (Baruch) Sheniy (also called the Apocalypse of Baruk (Baruch)) should be revealed at this time and included in the Eth Cepher, for it is an end-times prophecy. Let’s consider one chapter in particular:
Baruk (Baruch) Sheniy (2 Baruk (Baruch)) 30:1-5
AND it shall come to pass after these things, when the time of the advent of HA’MASHIACH is fulfilled, that he shall return in glory. 2 Then all who have fallen asleep in hope of him shall rise again. And it shall come to pass at that time that the treasuries will be opened in which is preserved the number of the souls of the righteous, and they shall come forth, and a multitude of souls shall be seen together in one assemblage of one thought, and the first shall rejoice and the last shall not be grieved. 3 For they know that the time has come of which it is said: that it is the consummation of the times. 4 But the souls of the wicked, when they behold all these things, shall then waste away the more. 5 For they shall know that their torment has come, and their perdition has arrived.
We have a passage here which tells us of a time denoted as the fulfillment of the advent of HA’MASHIACH. Do we have any idea of this time?
Consider this passage from 4 Ezra (2 Esdras) 9 and 10:
Ezra Reviy`iy (4 Ezra) 9:38-47
And when I spoke these things in my heart, I looked back with my eyes, and upon the right side I saw a woman, and, behold, she mourned and wept with a loud voice, and was greatly grieved in heart, and her clothes were rent, and she had ashes upon her head. 39 Then I let go of my thoughts, and turned to her, 40 And said to her: Why do you weep? Why are you so grieved in your mind? 41 And she said to me: Sir, let me alone, that I may bewail myself, and add to my sorrow, for I am sorely vexed in my mind, and brought very low. 42 And I said to her: What ails you? Tell me. 43 She said to me: I your servant have been barren, and have had no child, though I had a man for thirty years, 44 And in those thirty years I did nothing else day and night, and every hour, but make my prayer to EL ELYON. 45 After thirty years ELOHIYM heard your handmaid, looked upon my misery, considered my trouble, and gave me a son: and I was very glad of him, so was my man also, and all my neighbors: and we gave great honor to EL SHADDAI. 46 And I nourished him with great travail. 47 So when he grew up and came to the time that he should have a woman, I made a feast.
Ezra Reviy`iy (4 Ezra) 10:1
AND it so came to pass, that when my son had entered into his wedding chamber, he fell down, and died.
The tragedy of this story cannot be understated, but Ezra would go on to berate her self-pity for failing to cry out for Tsiyon. However, something happens to this vision:
Ezra Reviy`iy (4 Ezra) 10:25-28
And it came to pass while I was talking with her, behold, her face upon a sudden shined exceedingly, and her countenance glistened, so that I was afraid of her, and mused what it might be. 26 And, behold, suddenly she made a great cry very fearful: so that the earth shook at the noise of the woman. 27 And I looked, and, behold, the woman appeared to me no more, but there was a city built, and a large place showed itself from the foundations: then was I afraid, and cried with a loud voice, and said: 28 Where is Uriy’el the angel, who came to me at the first? For he has caused me to fall into many trances, and my end is turned into corruption, and my prayer to rebuke.
And so, this vision becomes a prophecy concerning Yerushalayim and the things of the house of Yashar’el and the kingdom of Yahud. We have another statement which is consistent with this idea of thirty years.
Shemu’el Sheniy (2 Samuel) 5:4
David was thirty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned forty years.
Consider however, the macro application of this prophecy in terms of jubilees. Consider that the throne of David would be thirty jubilee years in coming, and it would reign for forty jubilee years.
If this can be rightly understood, then we can see that Yashar’el would wait for thirty jubilee years – like the barren woman in the passage above – from the crossing of the Yardan which began on the first day of the fiftieth jubilee (See Yovheliym 50; Yahusha 3), until the advent of HA’MASHIACH, which became known on the tenth day of the seventh month leading to the coming of the eightieth jubilee – thirty jubilee years later.
If this is so, then how long shall it be that the advent of HA’MASHIACH is fulfilled? Under this concept, the answer would be forty jubilee years, i.e., 2,000 calendar years! And what do we find that will be accomplished at the end of these 2,000 years?
Baruk Sheniy (2 Baruk) 30:2
Then all who have fallen asleep in hope of him shall rise again. And it shall come to pass at that time that the treasuries will be opened in which is preserved the number of the souls of the righteous, and they shall come forth, and a multitude of souls shall be seen together in one assemblage of one thought, and the first shall rejoice and the last shall not be grieved.