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P. 18

        The Aleph Tav combination stands 9499 times in the Ivriyt Tanakh (Old Testament), and 512 times in
        the Brit Chadashah (New Testament) (Ivriyt translation from the Greek Textus Receptus) and does so in
        each instance without the benefit of translation.  It is our election, therefore, to include all of the Aleph
        Tavs תא that show up in the text in the Tanakh, and the 512 times the Aleph Tav תא shows up (Ivriyt
        translation from the Greek Textus Receptus) in the text in the Brit Chadashah without benefit of direct
        translation.  For example:

        In the beginning ELOHIYM created  תא eth the heavens and  תא eth the earth.
                                                                   Bere’shiyth (Genesis) 1:1

        In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with תא eth ELOHIYM, and the Word was ELOHIYM.
                                                                     Yahuchanon (John) 1:1

        I am the א (Aleph) and the ת (Tav), the beginning and the ending, says YAHUAH ELOHIYM, which is, and
        which was, and which is to come, YAHUAH TSEVA’OTH.
                                                                  Chizayon (Revelation) 1:8

        Yashar’el (לארשי)
        Another word which has been restored herein is the word commonly found in English as the word
        Israel.  Our review of the words YAH (הי (I AM), shar (רש) (for prince), Yashar (רשי) (the prince of YAH),
        and Yasharun (ןורשי) (the whole of the people in the exodus).  In the first instance (YAH) we find the
        letters yod-hey.  In the next instance (shar) we find the letters shin-resh.  In the next instance (Yashar)
        we find the letters yod-shin-resh.  In the next instance (Yasharun) we find the letters yod-shin-resh-vav-
        nun safit.  Therefore, we have concluded that the word spelled with the letters yod-shin-resh-aleph-
        lamed is to be pronounced Yashar’el.  All of the words with this spelling in the Ivriyt (Hebrew) have been
        restored to this spelling in the English.

        Sha’ul and Pa’al
        In Ma’asiym (Acts) 13:9 Sha’ul is first identified as one Paul.  However, the name Paul (in the Greek,
        Paulos) is a Greek spelling, yet Sha’ul spoke (Ma’asiym 21:40) and was spoken to (Ma’asiym 26:14) in
        Hebrew.  Sha’ul  was  schooled  in  Hebrew  under  Gamliy’el  (Ma’asiym  (Acts)  22:3).  Therefore,  it  is
        reasonable to conclude that Sha’ul took the Hebrew name Pa’al (לַעָּפ)(Strong’s G6466), which means
        worker.  Because we conclude that the works of the writings of the Messianic period were Hebraic in
        nature, we have used the Ivriyt (Hebrew) Pa’al for the Greek Paul.

        These, then, are the corrections in the Eth CEPHER.  It is our most fervent prayer that these are found
        true and pleasing to YAHUAH ELOHAYNU (YAHUAH our ELOHIYM), and that they would come to bless
        you in your pursuit of the Truth to which you were called.

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